One of the challenges of addiction is that it doesn’t only affect the addict, it negatively impacts other aspects of their lives like their relationships. Hence, if you have a friend who is struggling with addiction, you can be a support system for them to put addiction at bay.

Here are some tips on how to support your addicted friend
Get education on addiction
Before you start as a support system, it is important to have a basic knowledge of what addiction means. You need to understand how addiction develops, and how it affects various areas of their lives.
When you know how addiction works, you may be more empathetic to what they are going through, and you will be more involved in their lives.
Watch out for yourself
If you are in the right state of health, it may be less challenging for you to be there for your addicted friend. You need to cater to your emotional, physical, and mental needs so that you will be better equipped to help your friend.
While you navigate this role, be sure to seek help from communities or support groups so that you won’t be alone.
Approach them with love
When you are with your addicted friend, ensure that you don’t criticize them for their state. Addicts have a way of telling if you are there to help them or just to condemn them.
If you condemn an addict, it may be difficult to convince them to seek help. However, if you come from a standpoint of love, they might be more inclined to consider your advice and get treated for their addiction.
Be there for them during treatment
When your friend is in addiction treatment, don’t leave them alone. Ensure that you are up to speed at each stage of their treatment.
Seeing a familiar face during addiction treatment may increase their motivation to follow through with treatment and become sober. You can also discuss with the counselor or therapist the best way to show up for some of their sessions.